Cheri Gillham BodyWise

Craniosacral Therapy for Infants and Adults


I believe the best testimonial comes directly from the people I've helped.  Simply give me a call, and I'll be happy to connect you with them. ~ Cheri

I took my 2 month old baby to Cheri after 6 weeks of suffering "colic". My baby was on Zantac and Nexium and still screaming every night. Within 3 sessions, the colicky time had reduced significantly and we even had a few colic free nights and his latch was much better. After 5 sessions, we were colic free and my baby was not even 3 months old, so it is unlikely that the colic disappeared due to maturation but rather was because of Cheri's work with him. We were also able to discontinue the Zantac and reduce the Nexium. We continue sessions with Cheri despite the remission of colic because my baby continues to thrive: after his sessions- he seems increasingly more relaxed, sleeps better at night, and naps better during the day. Cheri has brought sanity back to our home with this change. Additionally, Cheri has coached me on various exercises to help my baby develop (tummy time, mouth exercises, etc) which has made my baby reach and exceed developmental milestones. Cheri has great energy with infants and is a natural. Both mom and baby benefited from Cheri's calm and nurturing spirit. I hope this testimonial helps even one mom and baby find their way to Cheri!  KB, TX

Thank you Cheri Gillham BodyWise. The Craniosacral Therapy was awesome. I have definitely seen great results in my grandson after having just a few sessions. He feels so good after a session that he’s asking to go back :-). This kind of therapy was new to me, so I was somewhat skeptical. But now, I am a true believer in Craniosacral Therapy. So much, that I am encouraging all my family members to give it a try.  Thank you Cheri for your loving delivery of this therapy. MR, TX


My 8 year old son has gotten much better at verbal articulation, sensory tolerance and over all behaviors since CST.  His therapist is exceptionally patient and understanding of his needs.  We NEVER miss a week without CST.  Even his public school Special Ed teacher notices if we miss a treatment.  AG, TX

The work I have had done with Cheri has changed my life.  CST addresses not only the physical problems making one's body looser and therefore healthier.  CST also releases emotional restraints that I did not even know were there and ones that I had been aware of but couldn't fully resolve in traditional counseling.  Cheri has the hands on skills and the compassion of a truly gifted therapist and teacher.  I am a lighter being in all sense of the word thanks to her work.  HB, Physical Therapist, WI

Cheri has helped with my TMJ and neck problems. When I get new retainers she helps help keep my head feeling balanced. I have referred many clients to Cheri and consider her my favorite bodywork professional. ~ Beverly Meyer, San Antonio, TX


Hi Cheri, I just wanted to tell you about my "green mile experience". For two to three hours after your treatment I coughed up black rocks that drained from my sinus. I've never seen anything like this come out in the two years I've been sick. I'm still in shock and amazement. I started feeling better immediately. The following day, Friday, I went to meet with my surgeon to plan the sinus surgery. I was carrying my little black meteor looking rocks packed on ice. Lol. I thought for sure he'd send them to lab for testing. He took one look and said “Nope, don't need to test them, this is a fungal infection”. Now that he's seen them, he thinks he can cure it with meds and there's a good chance I won't have to have surgery!! Thank you for what you do, thank you for sharing your gift, thank you for helping me. Looking forward to my next appointment! God bless you!   People need to know about your gift.  I had two abscessed upper molars for a very long time, but didn't know it (they were both root canals so could not feel them) they busted into my sinus creating a sinus communication.  I get different answers from different docs.  One says that the infection in my sinus caused tooth problem while another will say teeth caused the fungal infection. Chicken or the egg? I don't know. I just know it's been a hellish nightmare and I'm now at that place where I will have to do surgery if this doesn't work.  I am so looking forward to more treatments with you.  I never would have believed it if I hadn't experienced it. I just could NOT believe what fell out of my sinus that day.  SM, TX

Cheri has been my massage therapist for several years.  Her magical hands have helped to manage the pain I have from Temporomandibular Disorder (TMJ) and labral hip tears.  When Cheri teamed up with Jen to offer Body-Centered Life Coaching, I was intrigued and knew immediately that I wanted to book a session.  I was amazed at how seamlessly they worked together to provide my body and mind with much needed restorative balance.  I left feeling empowered and ready to take on the world!  HM, TX

I've never understood how such a light touch could penetrate to my emotional core, stir it up, and heave out years of accumulated pain.  - Craniosacral/SomatoEmotional Release Therapy - BI, IL

Initially I started getting CST to help relieve the sinus headaches that plagued me weekly.  I also was interested in working through some emotional baggage, which I have tried through many other therapies.  After the first visit with Cheri I noticed that I was able to hear better with my right ear which had partial hearing loss.  I started making regular appointments usually every three weeks or so.  By about three or four months my headaches went away.  I rarely get them now.  Also, we were able to work through several emotional releases which have left me feeling so much more centered and balanced.

I do however have an amazing story to share as well.  Valentine's Day 2005, I went to my regular appointment.  While working on my pelvic region, Cheri noticed something different.  There was an energetic ball of joy.  She asked me if my husband and I had discussed children.  I wouldn't know until three weeks later that we were pregnant!  She discovered this one-week after conception.

During my pregnancy, CST helped relieve the pressure on my low back and I had a very easy pregnancy, I'm sure some if not all in part to the CST treatments.  Since then my baby also gets CST treatments.  My baby has done some re-birthing work and it has helped us to bond even more.  I am eternally grateful.  SJ, Massage Therapist, TX

I have had fibromyalgia for almost 30 years that was caused from an intense car accident.  The accident triggered the disease but I was not diagnosed until 1995.  When I found out was going on, I read everything that I could get my hands on, massage coupled with Craniosacral Therapy gave me almost immediate release from my pain.  I have continued with therapy up to this date and will never stop.  In 1995, I had a hard time walking to my car.  Today, I enjoy exercise on a regular basis while my disease is not curable, I can live with it because of this therapy.  Only because of you Cheri, I love you!  VL, FL

I am a 54 yr-old woman who was diagnosed five years ago with adult onset epilepsy.    My team of physicians and I have a fairly good working relationship however I have always been an individual who has believed in self-education, meaning finding out as much as I can about a diagnosis, prognosis and treatment options.   Cheri Gillham was already working on me as a License Massage Therapist when she witnessed my problem with physical balance and the pain associated with this unbalance.  She suggested Craniosacral Therapy and provided some literature to satisfy that part of me "that needed to know the facts".  I can truthfully provide you with a testimony of the first therapy resulting in a success with me.  I make it a point to see Cheri on a regular basis as she  helps me to keep my body centered and aligned with my entire core being.  Quite simple, as an Epileptic patient, I don't fall like I did and I am calmer which helps in keeping the seizures under better control.  TM, TX

This is the best body work I have ever experienced.  I visit Cheri regularly for CST / SomatoEmotional Release work.  Many times I have gone when I feel I am at a crisis stage i.e.: my body is manifesting something strange and uncomfortable and or I am having emotional issues that are affecting how I function in the world.  I have found each time that Cheri will move directly to the issue by the gentle nurturing work she does on the body.  I have often had powerful emotional releases like floodgates that open. During the work I am in a deep realized state and together Cheri and I feel the blockages/changes that are going on in the body.  I feel totally realized and safe; that my body and spirit is in safe hands and it is perfectly okay to be who I am even if I cry uncontrollably.  Afterwards, I feel lighter and that all the gray sludgy stuff that had been holding me back has been released.  I feel a shift in my awareness and the next day a clean palette emerges.  I have recommended this work to many people and I feel blessed that Cheri has this wonderful gift.  DN, TX


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